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ol-vector-tile-layer can render vector tile from various backend services. It should be used with together with ol-source-vector-tile component.


Example 1

Example below shows how you can use ol-vector-tile-layer and ol-source-vector-tile to render some vector-tile features from remote backend.

Load features simply by providing url value and format MVT

    style="height: 400px"
    <ol-view ref="view" :center="center" :zoom="zoom" />

      <ol-source-vector-tile :url="url" :format="mvtFormat">

<script setup>
import { ref, inject } from "vue";

const center = ref([0, 0]);
const zoom = ref(3);

const url = ref(
const format = inject("ol-format");
const mvtFormat = new format.MVT();

Example 2

The Example below shows how you can copy features from a ol-vector-tile-layer to a ol-vector-layer. It also visualizes how you can use the Turf library in combination with vue3-openlayers.

Important Notes:

  • You can use the { featureClass: Feature } option, when defining the ol-source-vector-tile format to Control the Type of Features visible in the Map
  • Turf is only Compatible with EPSG:4326. Openlayers uses EPSG:3857, so you need to convert between them.
    <label for="bufferRadius">Buffer Radius:</label>
    <input type="number" id="bufferRadius" v-model="bufferRadius" />

    style="height: 400px"
    <ol-view ref="view" :center="center" :zoom="zoom" />

    <ol-vector-tile-layer class-name="feature-layer">
      <ol-source-vector-tile :url="url" :format="mvtFormat" />
        <ol-style-stroke color="#2255ee" :width="1" />

      <ol-source-vector :features="highlightedFeatures" />
        <ol-style-stroke color="#bb2233" :width="2" />

      <ol-source-vector :features="selectedFeatures" />
        <ol-style-stroke color="#bb2233" :width="2" />

    <ol-vector-layer v-if="bound" class-name="bound">
      <ol-source-vector :features="[bound]" />
        <ol-style-stroke color="#33dd99" :width="3" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import buffer from "@turf/buffer";
import { lineString } from "@turf/helpers";
import { MapBrowserEvent } from "ol";
import Feature, { type FeatureLike } from "ol/Feature";
import type MapRef from "ol/Map.js";
import type { Coordinate } from "ol/coordinate";
import GeoJSON from "ol/format/GeoJSON";
import {
} from "ol/geom";
import type { Layer } from "ol/layer";
import { transform } from "ol/proj";
import { computed, inject, ref, watch } from "vue";

const format = inject("ol-format");
const mvtFormat = new format.MVT({ featureClass: Feature });
const mapRef = ref<{ map: MapRef } | null>(null);
const center = ref([943955.9456952971, 6356667.343082143]);
const zoom = ref(18);
const url = ref(
const selectedFeatures = ref<FeatureLike[]>([]);
const highlightedFeatures = ref<FeatureLike[]>([]);
const bound = ref<FeatureLike>();
const bufferRadius = ref<number>(10);

const highlightingTemplate = computed<Coordinate[]>(() => {
  // get flat coordinates from all selected geometries (e. g. [13.40, 52.52, 13.32, 51.43, ...])
  const allFlatCoordinates: Coordinate = [];
  selectedFeatures.value.forEach((feature) => {
    const geometry = feature.getGeometry() as
      | Point
      | MultiPoint
      | Polygon
      | MultiPolygon
      | LineString
      | MultiLineString;

  // map flat coordinates to Coordinate array (e. g. [[13.40, 52.52], [13.32, 51.43], [...]])
  return allFlatCoordinates
    .reduce<Coordinate[]>((accumulator, _, currentIndex, array) => {
      if (currentIndex % 2 === 0) {
        accumulator.push(array.slice(currentIndex, currentIndex + 2));
      return accumulator;
    }, [])
    .map((c) => transform(c, "EPSG:3857", "EPSG:4326"));

 * Only handle click / hover for the layer with class name "feature-layer"
function layerFilter(layerCandidate: Layer) {
  return layerCandidate.getClassName().includes("feature-layer");

 * show hovered feature in separate layer
function hoverFeature(event: MapBrowserEvent<PointerEvent>) {
  const map = mapRef.value?.map;
  if (!map) {
  const features = map.getFeaturesAtPixel(event.pixel, {
    hitTolerance: 10,
  highlightedFeatures.value = features[0] ? [features[0]] : [];

 * select features and combine them when shift key is pressed
function selectFeature(event: MapBrowserEvent<PointerEvent>) {
  const map = mapRef.value?.map;
  if (!map) {

  // reset selection when shift key isn't pressed
  if (!event.originalEvent.shiftKey) {
    selectedFeatures.value = [];

  // store selected feature
  const features = map.getFeaturesAtPixel(event.pixel, {
    hitTolerance: 10,
  if (!features.length) {
  const feature = features[0];
  const featureIndex = selectedFeatures.value.indexOf(feature);
  if (featureIndex == -1) {
  } else {
    selectedFeatures.value.splice(featureIndex, 1);

watch([highlightingTemplate, bufferRadius], () => {
  if (highlightingTemplate.value.length === 0) {
    bound.value = undefined;
  } else {
    const line = lineString(highlightingTemplate.value);
    const bufferedHull = buffer(line, bufferRadius.value, {
      units: "meters",
    bound.value = new GeoJSON().readFeature(bufferedHull, {
      dataProjection: "EPSG:4326",
      featureProjection: "EPSG:3857",



  • Type: string
  • Default: ol-layer

A CSS class name to set to the layer element.


  • Type: number
  • Default: 1

Opacity (0, 1).


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true



  • Type: Array

The bounding extent for layer rendering. The layer will not be rendered outside of this extent.


  • Type: number

The z-index for layer rendering. At rendering time, the layers will be ordered, first by Z-index and then by position.


  • Type: number

The minimum resolution (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.


  • Type: number

The maximum resolution (exclusive) below which this layer will be visible.


  • Type: number

The minimum view zoom level (exclusive) above which this layer will be visible.


  • Type: number

The maximum view zoom level (inclusive) at which this layer will be visible.


  • Type: number
  • Default: 0 Low-resolution tiles up to preload level will be load.


  • Type: 'hybrid' | 'vector'
  • Default: hybrid

Render mode for vector tiles.

  • hybrid: Polygon and line elements are rendered as images, so pixels are scaled during zoom animations. Point symbols and texts are accurately rendered as vectors and can stay upright on rotated views.
  • vector: Everything is rendered as vectors. Use this mode for improved performance on vector tile layers with only a few rendered features (e.g. for highlighting a subset of features of another layer with the same source).